It all begins with dream

Our dream is to start our family!
I am trying to do that by creating handmade art with a purpose… to help pay for our IVF & surrogacy costs.

I am also very passionate about creating community & supporting others who are trying to have children.

Let’s work together to create something beautiful!

The reason behind the knots

Hi there!
I'm Tara - the artist behind your new custom decor!
Rainbows have always brought a sense of hope throughout our infertility journey. I would often see rainbows while in the car driving to all of our IVF appointments in Seattle. And they would seem to arrive at the darkest moments - after a miscarriage, surgery, failed procedures, bad news... if you know, ya know.
Everytime I would see a rainbow, I would get an overwhelming sense of calm, hope, and promise for our future family. That God had a plan.
So, obviously, I wanted a way to ALWAYS have a reminder of that feeling. So I created a macrame fiber rainbow to hang in my car.
And that escalated quickly into what you see today!
You have pushed me to create such BEAUTIFUL art and through your support we have raised money to help cover our expensive fertility treatments that are not covered by insurance.
This creative outlet not only helps me to keep my mind busy on something productive and away from all of the darkness that surrounds infertility, but it helps cover the crazy costs to start our family and treat my disease.


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